Go to the co-pour
the co-pour
effective leadership, dumb mistakes, and whisky
Note from the editor

Welcome to The Co-pour. Years ago when we were starting out in tech, co-pours were a safe space to blow off steam, to debrief on the entirely preventable mess you were cleaning up, to talk about career development and traverse the challenges of tech leadership. In the late evening glow of a macbook with scotch in hand, it helped to know that someone else was up doing the exact same thing in another country or time zone. Co-pours were how you knew you weren’t alone. Get comfortable, pour something that warms your insides. We’re glad you’re here.

Go to the profile of Melissa Nightingale
Melissa Nightingale
top writer #management #leadership #startups
Go to the profile of Johnathan Nightingale
Johnathan Nightingale
Editor of https://mfbt.ca. Partner @rawsignalgroup. Board @creativecommons. Former CPO @Hubba, GM @Firefox. Dad. | It’s all made of people.